Photo of Joel Nava Polina Mexico

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Semblanza Joel Nava Polina was born in Mexico City on 26 October 1966. Sharee'ah a Diploma in Media and New Technologies of Communication and Journalism Bachelor of Arts and Advertising. Courses in the National Arts Centre's specialization in cultural production, with Carlos Blas Galindo and Iris Mexico, and the teacher looks Jorge Casso Art workshop installation and Kitsch & Dark Arts in Three Dimensional Art Museum...

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Semblanza Joel Nava Polina was born in Mexico City on 26 October 1966. Sharee'ah a Diploma in Media and New Technologies of Communication and Journalism Bachelor of Arts and Advertising. Courses in the National Arts Centre's specialization in cultural production, with Carlos Blas Galindo and Iris Mexico, and the teacher looks Jorge Casso Art workshop installation and Kitsch & Dark Arts in Three Dimensional Art Museum Azcapotzalco. Since the late eighties of the twentieth century years in international journalism ventures in Mexico, working alongside the Latin America Regional Editor Joseph Stryker McGuire, the American weekly Newsweek, even the mid-years 90 works as a researcher and photographer for foreign correspondents accredited in the country, media such as Time, The Washigton Times, All Sport, New Republic, The New York Times, etc. In his career he has conducted several publications artistic cutting cultural, in addition to being a researcher of issues politicians, historical, economical, financial and business district. Trabajdurante several years in the company Televisa and its various channels of dissemination print and electronic, and had an outstanding cibernticos immersion in the media, being a pioneer as the first Director news browser the Spanish language in Latin America, who fought for the booming dot-com short positions strategic purposes of Internet portals such as Terra and AOL, do not offer search engines or the content provided Guby Network to countries like Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Ecuador, Brazil and so on., and for which he worked as a provider with your team from Mexico City. In the area of the Web, is now a partner and graphic display of literary and Art Gallery (virtual) Shadow of Clotho. Nava Polina has won awards, being in March 2003: Finalist in the XIII's medal given to the Angel of Creativity Radio, which gives the Association of Broadcasters del Valle de Mexico AC, however during a delivery last wins the XII edition of this recognition, to win the award more contributions from national and international advertisers in the country: Best Use of Medium. Cultural artistic campaign that was put in the hands of Nava Polina by Casa Pedro Domecq, with whom genertemas, investigy dirigila production for over two years of ms Capsule of 1100 individual themed places like Tijuana, Mexicali, Hermosillo, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Saltillo, Torres, Mchis, Culiacn, Monterrey, Toluca, Veracruz and Federal District, together with the civil association: Mexico Kingdom (body art and culture spread in the country). Asmismo, 5 August 1999, the Historical Archive and Subcomitde Comitde Library and computer science from the Chamber of Deputies of the LVII Legislature recognizes the participation of the Nava Polina Co-ordination of recovery of documents and creating Rated for: Acervo documentary Mexico's student movement in 1968: official documents inditos ypblicos, which was released on CD, after an exhaustive investigation held in archives such as the Archivo General de la Nacin (AGN), the Natie Lee Benson Library, University of Austin in Texas, the Library of Congress United States of North America, the College of Mexico, etc. In the early twenty-first century, it forms with some fellow researchers indgena recovery of memory in Mexico AC, and June 2003 to date Nava Polina is linked to cultural and artistic life of their locality : the delegacin Azcapotzalco. So as part of their civic vision not wait for art institutions closer to the people, but suggesting, advising and collaborating with various local authorities in the programming of artistic events at the museum Regional three-dimensional, made at Sikuame which, the Teacher and plastic artist featured member of Mexican plastic Salon invites you to help him in museography curaduray different exposures held in cultural centers mentioned. As a visual artist, Nava has exhibited photographic work and Installing art in public spaces and private and Three Dimensional Art Museum, Regional Art Museum, Manuel Alvarez Bravo's Video Library, the Palace of Fine Arts The Alliance Française de San Angel, in the Institute National des Sciences Applique Lyon, France, the School of Mechanic and Electrical Engineering, ESIME, National Polytechnic Institute, the Museum of Templo Mayor site, The Hall of Mexican plastic, etc. Nava Polina is a novelist, short story writer, screenwriter, playwright and artistic movement Coordinator Cultural Azcapotzalco, MARCAZ: was recently awarded recognition to Monitor Ciduadano of the Secretariat of the function public, SFP (April 4 2006).

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